I started wondering why there was this urge in me to learn about my culture. I seriously did not know what it was or what it was about when I first started out. I definitely could not even define what culture was, and in my early adult life, all I kept hearing was "you gotta know the culture ... you gotta know the culture". But what was it? What did I need to learn? Where was I going to learn it from? How did I go about it? All of these questions and more led me on a quest to finding my spirit and this process I identified as a cultural attachment pathway.
What I found is that no two pathways are alike, but they do show some similarities. We have similarities in our culture, but the way we teach it or go about it differs from family to family, from community to community, from nation to nation. And these changes are significant sometimes. That in itself is a big challenge. Who do we talk to? How do we talk to them? How do we ask? What do we ask?
These big intrinsic questions floated through me as I reached out over and over again trying to connect, trying to heal, trying to belong, but most importantly trying to identify that spirit within me and its purpose. This blog is tidbits of my knowledge. It is tidbits of my works that I share with you.